Showing posts with label Editorals and Opinions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Editorals and Opinions. Show all posts

Thursday, September 18, 2008

You Are Scheduled To Be Sent A Payment..........

I posted about receiving this message before noting that everyone who is scheduled to receive an Adsense payment would also receive this message too.

What I particularly noticed about receiving this message this is that again I am receiving it on the 18th of the month. When I posted about this before I noted that when I got this message on the 18th, my "payment in progress" line showed up on the 23rd of the month!

According to my obsessive calculations I have already noted that on a comparable month, the "PIP" line would show up on the 26th of this month (September 2008) but I have also noticed that January 2007 has the same date format except that September 2008 has one less day! During January 2007, my "payment in progress" line showed up on January 23rd!

Personally my gut tells me that my "PIP" will show up sometime between the 24th and 26th (which happens to be on a Friday which means no actual Adsense money in hand until Monday at the very least!) of this month.

We'll see just how close my calculation will be!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

OK, I'm Just A Little Bit Pissed At Adsense!

So I'm looking at my Blog Consultant Blog today and it suddenly dawned on me that I didn't see any ads on the blog - WTF!

I go look inside my adsense account and notice that there are two of my sites that have that "robots.txt" message on them! Now this has happened to me before - some time ago and I don't remember what I did or in fact if I did anything at all but I do remember that things went back to normal and my adsense ads were in place again. I also checked my email but I didn't see any email from adsense. I also checked my "spam" folder to see just in case any email from adsense was there - it was not.

So I go to do some searching online to find out what could possibly be the matter! Well there was a lot of information to go through! Come to find out that it seems that adsense has a new policy about not having the adsense ads look like the contents of one's site(s) and/or blog(s). So now I'm in a panic because I have quite a few sites and I'm wondering whether or not I will have to go through them all and change the look of them so that the adsense ads don't look the same as the contents.

I sent an email to adsense about a half an hour ago asking why there were no ads on my sites. But since this is a Sunday I don't expect to hear from them for a few days. But I got an almost immediate response from them saying that they got my email but because of the holiday? it might take longer for them to get back to me. What holiday?

In the meantime I checked one of my client's sites and their blog didn't have ads on them either! Again I repeat - WTF? So I go into a panic and change the layout and look of their sites.

In the meantime I'm looking at their blog and guess what happens? The adsense ads show up! WTF! So now I'm in a new panic because I already changed the look of their site! Now I'm going to have to go back and see how their site looks.

In the meantime I'm wondering whether or not I still have to change the look of the sites. Now that the ads are showing up again - does that mean that everything is alright?

As a side note I should also mention that I noticed on my adsense account that I stopped earning revenue for about a day and a half! And that is one of the reasons why I am just a little bit pissed at adsense right now!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A List of High-Paying Keywords

Someone actually wanted a list of the high-paying keywords from me but they weren't willing to pay the price that I am selling it for. So my answer to them was no!

There are just too many free ways to find a list of high-paying keywords online that you shouldn't have to ask for mine if you are not willing to pay for it.

I'm not going to price this list too low and I don't want to price this list too high. But if you're not willing to pay the price that is listed then you will have to find these kinds of lists on your own.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My PIP Has Arrived!


You know I think I'm going to get some booze with this adsense check!

I feel like getting drunk!

There are also some things that I think that I should take notice of:

  • First every month I go through this adsense "waiting game" and I'm thinking that I should note the time that the "PIP" actually shows up on my adsense account.

    For February 2008 it showed up at around 5:15pm EST

  • Secondly I think that it would be a good idea to note WHEN it shows up as compared to when other people post when theirs shows up. Like for instance this month someone posted that they got their "payment in progress" and they are located on the East Coast but the next post was from someone in the Southwest US and then came a posting from Florida that someone received their "PIP" - all the while I'm located on the East Coast and am wondering why mine doesn't show up before those who aren't on the East Coast.

But all-in-all I'm happy that it just showed up!

happy, happy, happy

It's Official! February 2008 Will Be My Highest Adsense Earnings Month! (And The Month Isn't Even Over Yet!)

Yes it's offical that February 2008 will be my highest adsense earnings month and I still have a few more days to go!

What is interesting to note is that the less I obsess over my adsense earnings the more adsense earning I earn!

Why The Big Fuss About Getting The Adsense Payment?

As hard as it might be hard to believe a lot of people depend on their adsense payment. Forget the logic about not "putting one's eggs" in only one basket!

I saw one post from a guy in a foreign country (India - I think) who posted that he was waiting on his adsense payment to buy food!

Another contributing factor is that Adsense is not specific about when they will actually place that "payment in progress" line on a person's adsense account and people get frustrated trying to contact adsense about this matter.

Adsense does protect itself by saying that if a payment isn't received by a certain date then a reissue of the payment can be applied for - however that date is many, many days ahead of when payments are normally issued.

Like it or not some people are not going to be logical as far as getting their adsense payment is concerned!