To The
Adsense Consultant's Blog!
*Please do not confuse Adsense with the Adsense Consulting Firm.
This blog is currently listed on page 1 of both Google's and Yahoo's search engine results for "adsense consultant"!

Here is a list of my services:
Adsense Consultant

Here is a list of my services:
Adsense Consultant
/ Adsense Consulting
High-Paying Keyword List = $55 | this is a list of high-paying keywords that pay more Adsense money per click. You will receive this high-paying keyword list as a downloadable .pdf file. * Some of these keyword terms pay $75 or more per click! The more you incorporate these high-paying keywords / terms into the content of your site the more potential Google Adsense money you will earn per click! |
Basic Service = $100
Basic services include a review of your blog and recommendations as to how you can optimize your blog / website to potentially earn more Adsense money.
A Customized List Of Popular Keyword & Search Terms For Your Website or Blog = $345.
This will be a customized list of popular keywords and search terms that are related to the content on your site. This is a listing of the most popular search terms that people are currently searching for. The more you include these popular search terms into your site the more potential traffic you will get to your site which will mean more visitors to your site which will mean more potential clicks on your Adsense ads!
Blog Analysis / Review!
Blog ConsultantAnd Consultation
Blog Optimization
Search Engine Optimization / SEO Consultant
Site Content Provider!
Basic Package/Servics starting at $100
* Please note that I do not review websites or blogs for free!
I have been using Adsense for a while now. When I first started I was so anxious to start getting paid with my blog. I couldn't add the Adsense code fast enough! What I have learned so far is that it takes time and providing good content is the key!
Search Engine Optimization ConsultantSEO Consultant
*- You can follow my progress as I work to stay on page one of the major search engines by taking a look at my SEO Consultant Blog
Getting traffic to your blog or website - well that is another matter! There are some things that you can do to bring more traffic to your website or blog and it won't cost you a thing - except the time and effort that you put into it.
Search Engine Optimization ConsultantSEO Consultant
If the Paypal buttons on this blog are not working you can go to the ones on my Blog Consultant Website and use those Paypal buttons
I Made It To Page 1 Of Google's Search Engine Results!
See My Search Engine Results and/or Rankings By Clicking Here!
I Made It To Page 1 Of Google's Search Engine Results!
See My Search Engine Results and/or Rankings By Clicking Here!
Do you know what is involved with search engine optimization?
- Your site has to first be analyzed for content and keyword potential
- If you have specific keyword rankings in mind then your site has to be optimized for this
- A current analysis of the keyword ranking as it appears in the search engines now
- Relevent content has to be added to your website
- Your site has to be analyzed for the results of the above work
- the site's url
- the keyword(s) - up to three - that you want to optimize your site for
*- You can follow my progress as I work to stay on page one of the major search engines by taking a look at my SEO Consultant Blog
Hi There,
Great blog & great info you have here. I came here because you've answered my question at yahoo answers.
You seems to know much about adsense,but you are not using adsense. Why ?
Actually I am am using Adsense but it is just that it is not on this blog. The reason why is that I found out (much later) that you can't have adsense ads on a site whose url has the word "Adsense" in it.
It was a good lesson to learn!
But since I already established myself with this blog I decided to keep it. And since the blog and its url was already established I didn't want to delete the blog because then it could be "gotten" by spammers.
This is a good lesson to learn. Don't delete your blog - or at least don't delete it right away because the spammers will get the blog address and use it for spam.
4/7/08 - Just did another google search engine check and this blog is still appearing as the top-ranked (non-paid) link for the search term "adsense consultant"
Hi, Sister2brother I really need help with Google Adsense, here is my Yahoo ID: zonair_hafeez@yahoo.com please add me, I have been working very hard and in the end it just turns out that I am not generating any revenue at all, and I mean it because I have not done any fraud or any thing against TOS but still my earnings are not being generated, my report last night showed 3940 IMP's and 8 Clicks but I did not even got Cents, Please help me !
Hello Mr. Adsense Consultant. I am basically from India. I am unable to earn money from google adsense. Could you please provide me solution? I am ready to pay money for the solution.
thanks and regards
If you want to become a client of mine you simply just have to click on the paypal payment button and that will start an account on you as a client. Once you click on the paypal button and make your payment there is also a "memo" section for you to contact me with your problem.
Instead of trying to work hard you should try trying to work smart - meaning that if you want to earn more adsense money you are going to have to treat it like a business and to keep monitoring your results, tweaking and just simply basic "trial and error".
omg i really need your help!!!
okay so i have a blog and i signed up for asense and i also up added the google search bar and it seems to be that nothing is working i have no ads on my blog nor nothing its frushrating plz tell me wat to do email me at luiv94@yahoo.com
Adsense has said that the number 1 reason that a person's adsense ads are not showing is because they have copied and pasted the codes wrong. So that should be the first thing that you check.
You might also want to check your email to make sure that you haven't received any email from adsense saying that your site(s) are violating one of their terms of service and that is the reason why there are no ads appearing on your site(s).
ok. I found an information here that i want to look for.
Are you a Sister talking to Brothers or a Brother talking to sisters. Whichever, your claims are true. Your SEO ranking is admirable. We have one thing in common- we share the same blogger template. Yours tips were truly helpful. I’ll soon be queuing up to be your client.
Maybe you can stop by and see what I did with my template.
Actually the whole Sister2brother identity started when I first went online. It was just an easy name to remember because at the beginning I was mostly contacting my brother - see - Sister2brother - LOL! - that's where I got the screenname from.
Instead of having 2 identities I decided to just have the one and integrate everything else that I do with it.
It just makes things a lot more simpler.
Ok, so I really need to ask you a question here. How can you charge people $4500.00 to be their AdSense Consultant when YOU only make a little over $100.00 a month?
Seems to me that if you were really a great consultant, you would be making big bucks yourself. Just curious.
i noticed that you have several different blogs, which one makes the most adsense money, the grants one or the adsense consultnant one?
I really wish that you would read this blog more carefully! The $4500 fee is for search engine optimization services? Think my fee is too high for that? Then just take a look online and see what others are charging! And I can charge that $4500 fee because my blog is listed on page 1 of Google's search engine for the term "Adsense Consultant" - which means I know what I am doing and that's why I can charge that amount. If you want to see my rankings in the search engines, just visit my The SEO Consultant Blog.
As an Adsense Consultant my most basic fee of $100 is to view and review a client's website or blog and show them how they can optimize their site to generate more of an Adsense income. The fact that I have been able to earn at least the $100 minimum shows that at least such an amount can be achieved with a website or blog IF you know how to do it right.
You're getting a little bit confused here. The blog about grants belongs to Rose so her earnings are different than mine.
My Adsense Consultant blog doesn't earn me any Adsense earnings - besides the clients that come to me via this blog.
The reason that I don't earn any money from Adsense ads here on my Adsense Consultant blog is because Adsense Ads are not allowed on this blog simply because I have the word "adsense" appearing in the URL of the blog - it is against TOS to have Adsense Ads on sites with the word "Adsense" in their URL.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Thank you for the compliment! I have learned a lot about Adsense and I find that I am still learning about the Google Adsense program because there is a lot to learn from it - especially if you want to make more money at it.
Why does this article have the date as Friday, December 31, 2010?
Very strange.
The reason why this blog post stays on top of my blog is because it is my blog's Welcome message so it is the first post that I want my visitors to see when they view my blog.
However thank you for asking!
Fantastic and helpful blog. I came across your blog on Twitter. Thanks for all the good information. I too am trying to get my adsense account to rise and it is nice to see other people are doing the same thing.
Yes it seems that a lot of adsense publishers are experiencing a decrease in their adsense earnings. The popular theory is that the reason is because visitors are becoming "ad-blind" and there is another popular theory that publishers are experiencing a decline in their adsense earnings because Adsense has implemented "interest-based" publishing.
hi everybody
just found your site and wanted to ask for some advice on marketing
hopefully this is just what im looking for, looks like i have a lot to read Im trying to find a way to build an e-mail list.
In order to market your site you'll have to "get the word" out about your site! I just started helping someone with a new blog today and even though this is her first blog it will take up some time for her to build it up since she just got it started today. So marketing your site will take some time and some effort as well!
Brilliant website, I had not noticed theadsenseconsultant.blogspot.com earlier during my searches!
Carry on the good work!
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