Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My PIP Has Arrived!


You know I think I'm going to get some booze with this adsense check!

I feel like getting drunk!

There are also some things that I think that I should take notice of:

  • First every month I go through this adsense "waiting game" and I'm thinking that I should note the time that the "PIP" actually shows up on my adsense account.

    For February 2008 it showed up at around 5:15pm EST

  • Secondly I think that it would be a good idea to note WHEN it shows up as compared to when other people post when theirs shows up. Like for instance this month someone posted that they got their "payment in progress" and they are located on the East Coast but the next post was from someone in the Southwest US and then came a posting from Florida that someone received their "PIP" - all the while I'm located on the East Coast and am wondering why mine doesn't show up before those who aren't on the East Coast.

But all-in-all I'm happy that it just showed up!

happy, happy, happy

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